Invited Talks
[10/2024] Generative AI for Earthquake Simulations, Berkeley Lab AI for Science Summit.
[10/2023] Learning Dynamics from Sparse Data, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
[08/2023] Encoding Physics to Learn Reaction-Diffusion Processes, Luoyi Science.
[06/2022] Embedding Physics into Deep Learning for Spatiotemporal Systems, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
[03/2022] Embedding Physics into Deep Learning for Spatiotemporal Systems, Argonne National Lab.
[10/2020] Physics-Reinforced Deep Learning for Structural Metamodeling, Northeastern University.
[03/2020] Bayesian Tensor Learning for Structural Monitoring Data Imputation and Response Forecasting, Northeastern University.
Conference Presentations
[09/2024] Learning Physics for Unveiling Hidden Earthquake Ground Motions via Conditional Generative Modeling, Statewide California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting 2024.
[08/2024] Physics-constrained Convolutional Recurrent Learning for Modeling Seismic Wave Propagation, International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy 2024.
[05/2024] CD-VAE-GMG: Conditional Dynamic Variational Autoencoder for Earthquake Ground Motion Generation, Seismological Society of America 2024.
[02/2024] SuperBench: A Super-Resolution Benchmark Dataset for Scientific Machine Learning, The annual Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences’ Postdoc Symposium.
[12/2023] Deep Generative Models for Earthquake Ground Motion Simulation, AGU Annual Meeting 2023.
[08/2023] Super-resolution for Scientific Data, Monterey Data Conference.
[07/2021] PhyCRNet: Physics-informed Convolutional-Recurrent Network for Solving Spatiotemporal PDEs, SIAM Annual Meeting 2021.
[05/2021] PhyCRNet: Physics-informed Convolutional-Recurrent Network for Solving Spatiotemporal PDEs, The 2021 Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference.
[05/2020] Bayesian Tensor Learning for Structural Monitoring Data Imputation and Response Forecasting, The 2020 Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference.
[08/2017] Structural Health Monitoring of a High-speed Railway Bridge: Five Years Review and Lessons Learned, The 2017 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics.
Reviewers for Conferences: ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR, IJCAI, AAAI, AISTATS, NLDL, etc.
Reviewers for Journals
Journal of Machine Learning Research
SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Complex & Intelligent Systems
Journal of Structural Engineering
Signal, image, and video processing
Acta Astronautica
Nonlinear Dynamics
[09/2021-12/2021], Structural Dynamics, Northeastern University.
[09/2022-05/2023], Capstone Project, co-advise with Dr. N. B. Erichson and Prof. M. W. Mahoney, UC Berkeley.